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About Us
Property Consultant Sydney 

BTB Enterprises Pty Ltd was founded in 2007 in Newcastle where it traded as real estate buyers agents.
In 2009 the company moved it's operations to Sydney where it set up two subsidiary businesses under the company.
One being Property Consultant Sydney a real estate agency.

Since then the company has traded successfully in all areas of it's endeavours. 
The companies success has been attributed to its mission statement and it's vision.

Our Mission Statement has always been to offer quality,trustworthy and honest service to all of our clients no matter who or what they are.
Our vision has been to grow the company into an international consulting company.

Also our success has been attributed to our two main areas of service listed below.
Please take time to read further to find out the difference between a real estate agent and a real estate buyers agent. 
It could be to your advantage at a later stage.

We are are a multi-skilled Real Estate Agent and Real Estate Buyer's Agent providing a Property Consulting Service in Sydney.
The right real estate agent is invaluable.
We address not only the theory, but we also consider the commercial reality of the many facets of ownership.
We provide an extensive and comprehensive report delivered by our consultants who have a broad range of experience and expertise as real estate agents who can assist in making the correct decision through analysis alternative and investment strategies.

Property Consulting and Real Estate Agents

More and more buyers are now turning to independent real estate agents and property consultants to assist them when buying a property.

There are many benefits in engaging the services of the property consultant.

Firstly real estate agents should conduct a full inspection of the property you wish to buy. How much should you pay for a property?

Once having completed the inspection and recording all the relevant details of the property the real estate agent should then research the market to determine the accurate level of value for the particular property.

If your real estate agent applies sound valuation principals to their research, they should be able to advise you of a fair market range within which the subject property should sell.

This range would be determined on actual sales evidence and not a figure plucked out of the air by an overzealous real estate agent.

A real estate agent is engaged by the vendor of a property to sell that property for the best possible price.
The agents legal and moral responsibility is to the vendor and rightly so. Why do you need a Property Consultant?

Real Estate agents today are very professional and one of their tactics they employ when selling property is to find out how much money a purchaser has to spend.

The next tactic is to try to get the purchaser to spend that amount of money on that particular property, which may or may not be reflective of the true value of the property.

An experienced property consultant will ensure should you buy a property you will pay a fair market price and not a figure dictated by your budget.

This is especially important in cases where the purchaser may be borrowing a large proportion of the funds from a lending institution.

Should the property sell for a figure in excess of a figure a sworn valuer would put on the property for mortgage purposes, the purchaser may find themselves in an awkward situation by having insufficient funds to complete the purchase.

The same principals are also true at auctions, where skilled professional auctioneers, who conduct hundreds of auctions per year quite often, have the ability to entice buyers to spend more on a property than they originally wanted to.

An experienced property consultant can be of enormous benefit in these circumstances by recognising when the auctioneer is exercising his right to use vendor bids or dummy bids as they are more commonly known.

A skilled property consultant knows the way the auction system works and on many occasions will have firsthand knowledge of a particular auctioneer and that auctioneer's idiosyncrasies and tactics.

We can also help you plan an auction day strategy that is specifically designed to give you the best chance possible to buy the property within your desired price range.

Our experience and skill in bidding at auctions has proven time and again.
There now exists a real opportunity for buyers to level the playing field when it comes to purchasing Real Estate.

We are experienced in all these aspects of real estate buying.


Property Consultant Sydney 
Sydney Buyer's Agent - Sydney Real Estate Agent


Here at Property Consultant Sydney (a website of BTB Enterprises Pty Ltd), the professional property, development, investment and relocation consultants in Sydney, we understand as a professional consultancy firm, the need for expedient results and the privacy our clients expect from a professional property consultant.

Do you require an investment property, land, a development or just wish to relocate to Australia or anywhere else internationally?

Would you prefer to lease a property or any of the above? 
Then we can fully assist you.

We believe in giving quality service for our clients. 
We far surpass any Real Estate Agency, Buyer's Agents or other Property Consultancy Company in Sydney.

Try us ... You will be surprised.