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A Real Estate Agents Guide to Buying Smaller – The Cons

This week we look at some of the issues associated that can cramp your style from a Real Estate Agents point of view from listening to people in these situations!

Negative 1 - Less Control

You may have gotten slack strata managers, poorly trained/careless real estate agents, also fellow tenants and neighbours who don’t give a damn, you may have committees and stubborn owners and minorities holding a building back from required repair and maintenance; this sort of control can really affect some people. Beware the fun police and beware the constant meddling into each other’s affairs, annoying sticky beaks!

Negative 2 - Space (lack thereof)

Yes, this one is pretty normal when you live in smaller apartments. With smaller properties, the lack of internal and external space (balconies, decks etc.) can impact on 'your quiet enjoyment' of a property, as it usually does. Not having the privacy or ability to simply sun bake naked (if you so wish) or escape from the world and worry without having nosy neighbours, can cause concern for some people! It would for me and most other people. Having your kids or your flat mate seemingly everywhere in your apartment all the time can be mind destroying at times as well. To prepare, think about how much room you have now and consider what your requirements will be in the future.

Negative 3 - You can't host (as many) family and friends

You may argue this is a great thing! May be may be not! Think about it carefully! Having no room for sleepovers for friends and families can upset the in-laws (if you have any), visiting children and cause a nuisance when you have dear friends wanting to visit and spend some time with you. Do you have a really close and good friend you never seem to have enough time to spend with them when you get together (maybe they live far away and only visit when able; wouldn’t it be nice to spend more time with them?) I guess that is what a hotel is for aren’t they… eh?

Negative 4 - Organizational skills

Now you have less cupboard space. You may have downsized to an apartment, it is unlikely  now to have a garage, shed, man cave or storage - your ability to hold onto past materials and memories will be reduced ( do you want that?). You will be required you have to "de-clutter “yourself and be more organized to put away toys, bikes, clothes etc. to keep the living arrangement with some sort of semblance of order. Can you handle throwing away all your 'precious' memories’? Yes or no is what you need to ask yourself.

Negative 5 - A good party

Having a large property can mean having a good size large party and entertaining people on your deck, lawn or having a 6 burner BBQ sizzling away. The magic of the BBQ! You may even have to downsize your friends list! Yes it may be necessary to get rid of some of your friends when entertaining as you just won’t have the space for all of your5 friends at any time; true! Think about it! Do you like to entertain at times or even regularly?

Of course we like to stay positive and these are just some elements that may sway a decision or two.

That's enough from us, what are some of your gripes in living smaller? As we age, don't we get smaller anyway?!

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